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Prvi predpogoj za boljše življenje: Če želimo kakovostno živeti, mora naše telo biti prožno in močno kot bambus in ne trdo ter lomljivo kot staro drevo.
Ticao Gong Shu je posebna oblika taoistične gimnastike, ki je v nekaterih pogledih podobna indijski jogi. Od nje se razlikuje predvsem v dveh pogledih: v samih vajah, ki se izvajajo (tudi) stoje, in v namenu veščine, ki je doseganje večje fizične in mentalne moči v borilnih veščinah. Ticao stremi k perfekciji odnosa med telesom – umom - duhom skozi vaje stoje, na tleh, s pripomočki in samo-masažnimi tehnikami. Študij in poznavanje akupresurnih točk sta sestavna dela tečajev, v katerih se med drugim uporabljajo tudi različni pripomočki za sprostitev sklepov in miofascialno gimnastiko. Glede na koristi, ki jih prinaša, se priporoča kot tonusna, vse-poživljajoča vadba za povečanje elastičnosti.
ki želijo svoja telesa zgraditi in ohranjati gibčna skozi vse življenje ne glede na starost. Nikoli ni prepozno, da bi pričeli z vadbo! Koristi tudi profesionalnim športnikom pri izboljšanju kakovosti njihovih mišic, gibljivosti sklepov in elastičnosti teles.
First prerequisite for a better life: Should we wish to lead a quality life, our body must be flexible and strong as a bamboo, and not rigid and breakable as an old tree.
Ticao Gong Shu is a particular form of Taoist gymnastics similar in some aspects to Indian Yoga. It differs from it especially for standing practice and for the purpose of seeking greater physical and mental strength aimed at the practice of the Martial Arts. The Ticao seeks to perfect the relationship between body - mind - spirit through standing postures and self - massage techniques. The study and the exact knowledge of the acupressure points is an integral part of the courses, which see among other things the use of various tools for loosening the joints and myofascial gymnastics. Given the benefits it brings, it is proposed as a tonic, invigorating and elasticizing practice.
who wish to build and keep their bodies agile throughout their entire lives regardless of their age. It's never too late to start! Also professional sportsmen benefit from it in improving the quality of their muscles, joint movement and elasticity of their bodies.