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Naše telo, naš um in naš duh so naši najboljši zavezniki in naše najmočnejše orožje, če jih razvijamo v pravo smer. Če za njih ne skrbimo, lahko postanejo naši največji sovražniki.
Ena najstarejših in najuglednejših kitajskih borilnih veščin, dobro poznana javnostim zaradi dokazanih pozitivnih psiho-telesnih učinkov. Taijiquan se je razvil iz potrebe znati se dobro braniti v daljni fevdalni preteklosti. Razlika v zdravju tistih, ki so veščino prakticirali, in tistih, ki je niso, je bila več kot očitna in občutna. V dobi, ko še ni bilo antibiotikov, so bili njeni vadbeniki železnega zdravja in pogosto stoletniki. Danes so pozitivni učinki vadbe Taijiquan tudi povsem znanstveno dokazani. Ta antična borilno-zdravilna veščina je sposobna ponovno vzpostaviti pravi odnos med močjo in harmonijo, ki je ključen za vzdrževanje zdravja in podaljševanje njene učinkovitosti znotraj telesa.
V šolah Makotokai se študirata dva stara stila Taijiquan: Yang, zelo razširjen in dobro poznan, in Chen, eden najstarejših stilov.
bomo pričeli s poučevanjem stila Chen. V naših šolah se lahko spoznate tudi z borilnim vidikom Tai Chi Chuana in odkrivate posebnosti, ki delajo Taijiquan absolutno unikaten. Taijiquann priporočamo vsem, ki iščejo način za izboljšanje in ohranjanje kakovosti življenja in zdravja ne glede na starost.
Legenda pravi, da je okoli leta 1.200 na pobočjih gore Wu Tang živel taoistični menih po imenu Chang San Feng. Strokovnjak v borilnih veščinah je bil nekega dne priča spopadu med srako in kačo. Tedaj je sprevidel, kako je bilo krožno in vijugasto gibanje kače še posebej učinkovito proti direktnim napadom ptice. V tistih časih je bilo značilno, da so se učili iz sveta narave in Chang San Feng je tako našel primer, ki se je razširil in obdržal skozi stoletja vse do današnjega dne. Ta mehka veščina, ki se je rodila, ne skuša pridobiti svojih vadbenikov z atletsko-mišičnim spopadom med dvema osebama, ampak z uporabo subtilnih sil znotraj nas, ki nas vodijo na poti harmonije in pretočnosti. Obstajajo še druge legende, ki govorijo o rojstvu Taijiquan in različnih stilih, ki so se razvili.
Najbolj poznani stili so: Wu, Sun, Chen in Yang.
Our body, our mind and our spirit are our best allies and our strongest weapons, if we develop them in the right direction. If we neglect them, they can become our worst enemies.
One of the oldest and most noble Chinese Martial Arts, well known to the public for its proven psychophysical benefits. Originating from the need to defend itself in a distant feudal past, the difference in health was noticed among those who practiced it and those who did not. In a pre-antibiotic past, practitioners enjoyed iron health and were very often centenarians. Nowadays science has clearly demonstrated the great benefits of the practice of
Taijiquan. This ancient Martial Art is able to re-establish the correct relationship between strength and harmony that is the key to maintaining health and prolonging efficiency within the body.
At the Makotokai Schools two old styles of Taijiquan are studied: Yang, very common and well known, and Chen, one of the oldest styles.
we will start teaching Chen style. In our schools you can also study the martial part of Taijiquan discovering the peculiarities that make the Taijiquan absolutely unique. We recommend Taijiquan to all those who are looking for a way to improve and retain the quality of life and health regardless of age.
Legend has it that around the year 1.200 on the slopes of Mount Wu Tang lived a Taoist monk named Chang San Feng. An expert in martial arts one day he witnessed the fight between a magpie and a snake. It was there that he understood how the circular sinuosity of the snake was particularly effective in the face of the direct attacks of the bird. It was typical in those times to learn from the world of nature and Chang San Feng welcomed one that would have spread over the centuries to the present day. This soft art that was born does not base the hopes of winning the practitioner on the athletic-muscular conflict between two people, but rather on the use of subtle forces within us that guide us on the path of harmony and fluidity. There are other legends that tell of the birth of Taijiquan and different styles that were formed. The best known are the Wu, Sun, Chen and Yang style.