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Makotokai Ljubljana je članica mednarodne organizacije Makotokai International, zato imajo njeni člani številne prednosti:
• možnost udeležbe mednarodnih seminarjev
• priznanje doseženih stopenj in nivojev veščin, ki jih prakticirajo in v okviru katerih lahko opravljajo izpite v šoli
Makotokai Ljubljana, s strani svetovne organizacije WKMO (World Karate and Martial Arts Organization)
• inštruktorji pridruženih šol, med katere sodi tudi Makotokai Ljubljana, se redno izobražujejo v tujini v okviru
Makotokai International in tako na svoje učence prenašajo kakovostno znanje na preverjen didaktičen način
Makotokai Ljubljana sta septembra 2018 ustanovila Benjamin Ivančič in Suna Tancig z namenom ljudem omogočati bolj kakovostno življenje z vadbo in študijem notranjih stilov Makotokai Neijia. Benjamin Ivančič in Suna Tancig sta uspešna podjetnika, po duši kreativca in raziskovalca, s srcem že dolgo vrsto let popolnoma predana vadbi borilno-zdravilnih veščin.
Makotokai Ljubljana se zahvaljuje Mojstru Paolo Bolaffiu, ustanovitelju Makotokai International, za vso podporo in pomoč pri nastajanju.
Makotokai Ljubljana is a member of Makotokai International; therefor their members have many benefits:
• possibility to participate at international seminars
• recognition of acquired levels and ranks of the disciplines, which they are practicing and for which they are taking
exams at Makotokai Ljubljana by a world organization WUKO & AD (World United Karate Organization and
Associated Discplines)
• instructors of affiliated schools, one of which is also Makotokai Ljubljana, are constantly being educated abroad by
Makotokai International and are therefor capable of passing quality knowledge onto their students in a proven
didactical way
Makotokai Ljubljana was founded in September 2018 by Benjamin Ivančič and Suna Tancig with the purpose of enabling people live a more quality life by practicing and studying Makotokai Neijia internal martial arts. Benjamin Ivančič and Suna Tancig are successful entrepreneurs, by spirit creatives and researchers, totally committed with their hearts to practising martial arts since many years.
Makotokai Ljubljana is deeply grateful to Master Paolo Bolaffio, founder of Makotokai International, for all his help and support in making it happen.